Pandemic is an American documentary series based on the outbreak of the deadly diseases that took a number of lives. After the outbreak of COVID-19, the series is grabbing more attention of people than before.

Season 2 is expected to be a great episode, describing the problems faced and precautions to be taken before the Pandemic. This season explains the various hazardous viruses like Ebola, Sars, and Spanish Flu.

The final episode of the last season tells the measures to combat the Pandemic and will provide guidance on ways to avoid the spread of coronavirus. The last episode also focuses on avoiding touching your face and covering the nose and mouth while coughing. The documentary series brought by Netflix will initiate basic hygiene practices among people.


Release Date and Streaming Details

Pandemic Season 2 will be released on Netflix on 26th October 2020. It is most likely that all the episodes will be released on the same day. Until now, the Release date is confirmed but the number of episodes that will be released the same day is not confirmed. Netflix has come up with this series to throw light on the adverse effects of the Pandemic.

Last Season

The last season of the Pandemic explained the main cause of the flu, spread, and sufferings. IMDb rated the First season as 6.3/10 while RottonTomatoes rated it 100%. Now it’s time for the second season to come up that will explain the outcomes of the virus. Even though the Season 2 is announced to be released in October 2020, there might be a delay in the shooting as production has already stopped its progress due to coronavirus outbreak. Once things become normal, season 2 might get released later this year. Overall, the last episode was good but not that great as it was rated. Hoping the second season to be a great one!!